At the recent HIBCC Auto-ID Committee meeting it was confirmed that the serial number field in the secondary data structure (the ???production identifier??? data source for UDI) may be used to accommodate software version identification. It is common for software versions to use a ???.??? to differentiate incremental changes in software, and since use of […]
On Friday, June 6, 2014, a new set of HIN distribution files will be available online. Download the periodic HIN distribution from iHIN at
HIBCC to be a Sponsor of the UDI Implementation Workshop May 20-22, 2014 ??? Baltimore, MD Bringing the UDI Regulation & the Global UDI Database (GUDID) to Life! The UDI Implementation Workshop is for Class III Medical Device Manufacturers who are in immediate need of information and guidance to meet the September 24, 2014 […]
As a consequence of recent changes in 340B compliance measures HIBCC has released four new activity codes to be used by HIN licensees to identify Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC) account transactions. As of April 1st, HIN requests with the following activity codes will be accepted. Activity Code ?? ?? ???? Description W4?????????????????????????????????? WAC – Disproportionate […]
The next meeting of the HIBCC Auto-ID Technical Committee meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, June 12, 2014 at the Fogelman Executive Conference Center, which is located adjacent to the Holiday Inn University of Memphis, 3700 Central Avenue, Memphis TN. You can make your room reservation at the Holiday Inn by calling 901-678-8200. Identify yourself […]
HIBCC will now enumerate 340B/WAC HINs within 30 days of the program start date. In order to further assist our licensees, HIN requests for any 340B or WAC account will be accepted up to 30 days before the program effective date of the covered entity or contracted pharmacy.
On Friday, March 14, 2014, a new set of HIN distribution files will be available online. Download the periodic HIN distribution from iHIN at