ANSI/HIBC 5.0 Syntax Standard
Automatic identification technology is continually evolving. As technological advances prove applicable to the health care industry, they will be incorporated into revisions of this standard, wherever possible. However, every attempt will be made to maintain the existing data structures, thereby allowing new technology to be introduced into systems in a non-disruptive manner. HIBCC recognizes that this standard is a technology driven solution to improvement of health care delivery. As new technology becomes widely available, the standard will be modified to incorporate the advantages of the new technologies. References to other and symbol formats have been updated to reflect current usage.
1.0 Scope
This document describes the voluntary HIBC Syntax Standard which defines ASCII character combinations beginning with the ???+??? character as defined in ANSI MH10.8.2, referenced in ISO/IEC 15418 and used in ISO/IEC 15434. Users of HIBCC data formats are encouraged to consider aligning themselves with the data formats defined in 15434 provide global transparency in their facilities and supply chains. Note: this standard allows full use of the 15434 data structures which is in addition to the 25S and 25P examples used in the SLS.