Click here to download the PDF version of the LIC application form.
Please certify your most recent calendar or fiscal year sales level.
Our organization hereby applies for assignment/registration of a Labeler Identification Code from the Health Industry Business Communications Council. In making such application, we agree to be bound by all rules and regulations of the Council including, but not limited to the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws, the Health Industry Bar Code Standard, and any and all other rules and regulations which the Council has now or may hereafter adopt concerning the use of the Health Industry Bar Code Standard and the Labeler Identification Code assigned. The Council will notify us of our assigned Labeler Identification Code upon receipt of our application fee and Council approval of our completed application. Our organization hereby agrees to indemnify, and hold harmless, the Health Industry Business Communications Council and their officers, directors, employees, agents, successors and assigns from any and all claims, losses, damages, and liabilities whatsoever resulting from the use or misuse of the Health Industry Bar Code Standard and our assigned Labeler Identification Code. We understand and acknowledge that the Council has taken all reasonable precautions to prevent the assignment of duplicate Labeler Identification codes. If duplicate codes are assigned, the liability of the Council shall be limited to a refund of the application’s Labeler Identification Code fee or the actual damages, if any, whichever is less.