
Slide The Health Industry Number System (HIN) The widely-deployed HIN System currently identifies more than 2.5 million healthcare locations. LEARN MORE ABOUT HIN Slide Label with HIBCC for UDI Learn more about HIBCC, and how we can help you comply with the European Union Medical Device Regulation and US FDA UDI Regulation.
Slide Create, Calculate, and Confirm UDI Information with HIBCC's suite of cloud-based tools. Create a free account today. ACCESS OUR HIBC UDI-Builder Slide iHIN includes new and enhanced features designed to assist you in your daily use of the HIN Database. ACCESS OUR iHIN PORTAL

HIBCC’s Global Healthcare Standards

UDI & Bar Code

Our UDI labeling standards provide the necessary added safety measures and our on-line utility creates HIBCC UDI codes in seconds. Learn More
Access the HIBC UDI-Builder
Apply for or Update an LIC
Create a HIBC-UDI & Bar Code
European Union UDI Requirements
UDI and Labeling Resource Center

The HIN® System

MapConnections New

The HIN is a universal customer location identifier to support the needs of trading partners in the supply chain. Learn More
Access the iHIN Web-Based Portal
HIN Authorized Licensees
License the HIN System
Obtain your HIN
HIN Resource Center


HIBCC is an internationally accredited standards development organization serving the healthcare supply chain. Our scope includes global UDI-compliant Auto-ID labeling standards and HIN location identifiers for chargeback/rebate tracking, class of trade determination, DSCSA regulatory compliance, and electronic commerce.  In all cases, we are committed to patient and product safety first.

Learn more about HIBCC